Coffee With My Ma

Ma Gets Fired... A Few Times... Part 2 - When Indian Affairs Really Doesn't Want You Around

kaniehtiio horn Season 1 Episode 3

**First aired May 17th, 2018** MA GETS FIRED... A FEW TIMES... PART 2 - WHEN INDIAN AFFAIRS REALLY DOESN'T WANT YOU AROUND. First things first, I say something quickly about Ma giving AFN (ASSembly of First Nations) a good old-fashioned elder scolding. Then we get into the good stuff; Ma discusses her first job at the tender age of 13 and how a man from Kahnawake did a very sweet thing to help her out. Then we get into the biggie when Ma got fired from Indian Affairs because she was barricaded behind razor wire and surrounded by the Van Doos!! Oh, Canada! 

Hosted by - Kaniehtiio Horn

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Many nia:wen ko:wen’s to our Sponsor, Moccasin Joe Coffee and to Canada Council for the Arts for making season 2 possible.

Check out our lovely brand and website designer, Denita Gladeau. Her website is, and you can find her on her Instagram at @lushtre. And Many Nia:wen's to our photographer, Daniel Esteban, for our season 2 photoshoot. Check him out at